| | artist | tittel | publikasjon | nr-år | side | skribent | deus | in a bar, under the sea | beat | 6-1996 | 79 | trond m. evensen | deus | in a bar, under the sea | puls | 24-1996 | 31 | pål dobloug eriksen | garth hudson | the sea to the north | backbeat | 4-2003 | 15 | terje nilsen | ketil bjørnstad | the sea | beat | 9-1995 | 86 | arild r. andersen | peru you | in the sea; on the sea | backbeat | 3-2002 | 6 | mikal svendsen | pete shelley | heaven & the sea | nye takter | 178-1986 | 6 | kjetil rolness | poi dog pondering | wishing like a mountain and thinking like the sea | beat | 1-1990 | 70 | tor milde | rose | cross the sea | puls | 7-1986 | 36 | helge gaarder | waterboys | this is the sea | beat | 5-1985 | 33 | gorm gullo / gigi | waterboys | this is the sea | beat | 3-1995 | 38 | | waterboys | this is the sea | nye takter | 138-1985 | 7 | øystein munz | waterboys | this is the sea | puls | 11-1985 | 44 | | westpoint | face to the sea | nye takter | 66-1983 | 23 | gerd johansen | westpoint | face to the sea | puls | 8-1983 | 28 | rolf behn gulliksen | willie nelson | island in the sea | nye takter | 235-1987 | 7 | arild r. andersen | | Innhold som er digitalt tilgjengelig i Nasjonalbiblioteket sitt digitale musikkavisarkiv markeres.
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